Living Big Travel Blog

Travel tips, guides, and real life stories to inspire your next adventure. Go explore! 

Croatia 2018 - Recap

The traditional way to say ‘cheers’ in Croatian is živjeli (g-va-lee)
And when I look back on photos from our recent trip to Croatia I just want to open a good bottle of Croatian wine, look each woman in the eye again, and give her a solid živjeli (and then a big hug!) This group of women were all just so special, smart, talented, had amazing life perspective, unlimited kindness, warm and gracious hearts, curiosity —- the list could go on and on. I thoroughly enjoyed my time on this trip, and look forward to another opportunity to toast you all, and thank you for the gifts you gave me on this adventure. In the meantime, enjoy a few of my favorite photos from the adventure.

Until our next adventure – živjeli!
