Living Big Travel Blog

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Travel Design Research: Paris


I recently returned to Paris for a bit of a refresher on the city, transportation network, neighborhoods, major sights and to find all the quiet lovely streets in between. I have been once before, but it had been quite some time, and now that Living Big has started offering Travel Designservices, I wanted to revisit so I can better serve clients who invite me to help bring their Paris vacations to life. (it’s a tough job — someone has to do it!)

Here are my top 5 insights + aha’s + finds from this research trip:

  1. I’m a big fan of small and obscure museums (mainly because I’m easily overwhelmed by the biggies!) One of my favorite museums I visited on this trip was in an unexpected place — I took the train to the city of Reims to visit the famous champagne region, and somewhat accidentily discovered the Museum of the Surrender. It’s in this same location General Eisenhower relocated the Allied HQ towards the end of WW2, and where the Third Reich sent a representative to officially surrender the war.

  2. If your vision of Paris is to aimlessly wander the beautiful quiet streets, find gem cafes along the way, and let each day unfold as it wishes —- that sounds lovely, do that! But if you have a wish list of sights, museums and restaurants you want to visit, then I’d recommend you get serious about strategically mapping out your days to ensure your visits are on days when museums are open, taking advantage of select English tours, when the Versailles fountains are on (more on that below) and so that you’re not constantly crossing a BIG city. (PS: need help doing this? We got ya.)

  3. As you explore Paris you’ll notice that most of the artists, writers, architects, leaders and philosophers you hear about are men. Well Heidi at Women of Paris noticed the same thing, and today guides walking (and snacking!) tours that tell the stories of women that shaped this amazing city!

  4. The garden and fountains at Versailles are incredible – but did you know that the fountains only run a few days a month? And on those days, each fountain runs during very select windows of time? Do your research before you go (or let us figure it out for you!) to make sure you’re visiting during the optimal time!

  5. The best thing I ate on this trip was a lemon curd tart at Jeannie B’s. I’m still dreaming about it. And it was the perfect way to end a slow walk through the stunning Montmartre neighborhood.

If you need support bringing your Paris vacation to life, connect with us online or at We got ya!

Living Big Founder + Chief Adventurer and Travel Designer